5. Assessment of soil and land parameters and designing a baseline scenario with readily available tools.

  • The use of geographic data
    • Free and open datasets for ecosystem characterization and practice implementation:
      • National datasets (Partnership);
      • Copernicus land and climate monitoring systems;
      • Other open and free datasets;
      • Exploring the data.
    • Precision agriculture
      • With tools at
  • How to estimate soil carbon content in tC/ha
    • SOC = OC x BD x D x (1-G) Organic Carbon: DIY oven dry / loss on ignition methods (350-degree oven, tinfoil in the barbecue)
    • Bulk Density: 100cm3 volume cylinder, take sample at 30cm depth, carefully, oven dry 105dgreesC for 24 hours and weight.
    • Depth: see soil maps or assume 30cm, or less if shallower soils (Depth of refusal or when the sampler can’t go any deeper).
    • G: 2mm mesh sieve, weight %.