• Welcome to CarboNostrum Course!

      The CarboNostrum Course is an innovative blended learning program (e-learning, synchronized sessions, and face-to-face meetings) designed to equip learners with the knowledge, skills, responsibility, and autonomy necessary to actively promote sustainable agricultural practices that protect and preserve soils and ecosystems.

      The course employs a theory-practice methodology that facilitates the rapid transfer of knowledge and competencies. This approach includes theoretical frameworks, exemplification, peer learning, application to real-world problems, and discussion of actual cases. By providing learners with these tools, the course empowers them to play a more active role in implementing sustainable agricultural practices that preserve our fields.

      The CarboNostrum e-Learning platform serves as a high-quality, user-friendly, and visually appealing learning tool, evaluated positively by farmers and experts alike. The course is available in English, Portuguese, Italian, Greek, Spanish, and Turkish languages.

      Explore the platform and enhance your skills in climate-smart agriculture!