Our Partners
The USE Concept, lda
Service’s Private Organisation
The Use Concept, created in November 2010, is a company with experience and positioning in the national market in the scope of Geographic Information Systems, Land-use Planning and Spatial Planning. It assumes as its main objectives the conceptualization, implementation, and dissemination of theoretical and applied research in their fields of work. Our services are multidisciplinary processes that meet the needs of organizations, with the objective of optimizing the processes and the sustained growth of each organization, contributing to the sustainability and competitiveness of each one. This strategy is based on areas of Geographic Information Systems, Mapping and Spatial Development and Environmental Development. The impact on organizations and the added value to our customers business through our services is reflected in increased decision, business, and operational effectiveness, mirroring a greater and more efficient return on investment. The development of The Use Concept as a learning organization, as well as the constant innovation in the processes and procedures we develop, are the basis of our ideology, which is based on learning and continuous improvement. In this way, we can always give the best response to our clients’ requests, thus increasing their satisfaction. With a constant change in the market, the territory and the customers, there is, necessarily, a pressing need for updating and knowledge of them. Carrying out market studies tailored to the needs of each case study, we have obtained a better reading of the market reality. This analysis is reflected in the best result for our clients, so they can make decisions based on the acquired knowledge.
Service’s Private Organisation
AidLearnis a service’s private organisation, that operates at national and EU level. It aims for contributing to a better qualification of Portuguese HR by building up a learning organisation concerned with the equality of opportunities, providing quality and innovative services targeted to actual needs of organisations and individuals, and by internally developing a strong commitment and team working.
AidLearn main intervention areas are related with organisational and personal development; diagnosis of learning needs; conception, delivering and evaluating learning tools, interventions and courses, including face to face and blended ones; as well as conceiving, executing and evaluating projects and research studies in the following fields: Entrepreneurship sciences, training of trainers and teachers; ICT; health and safety; social services; environment, multiculturalism and active citizenship. One of the main areas of AidLearn intervention at national level is providing financed vocational training in order to qualify the population and, this way, trying to enhance the chances of get employed.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Public University
The University of Thessaloniki was established in 1925 and operated in 1926. In 1956 it was renamed as Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (www.auth.gr) is a public university. AUTh is the largest University in Greece covering all disciplines. There are 41 Faculties and Schools in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki offering all kinds of studies. Every Faculty/ School offers an undergraduate degree, and two postgraduate degrees (2nd cycle and PhD). The university offers education to 70,000 graduate and postgraduate students and, at the same time, gives the opportunity to 4,000 scientists, researchers and academics to work in their fields, to cooperate with other universities and public and private bodies, and to present the results of their research activity to the international scientific community. The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Office of the Research Committee, has a lot of experience in managing EU projects. A.U.Th. also offers Lifelong Learning courses covering a wide variety of fields of study (see website http://www.auth.gr/en/diaviou), as well as summer schools and other short cycle study programmes. It is widely recognized as a vibrant center of learning which draws its inspiration from a long tradition of academic achievement. This can be supported, among other factors, by the fact that so much in science, as in the arts and divinity, medicine and technology, it prides itself in its international role. The University has been actively participating in the Erasmus Programme since 1987, accounting approximately one fourth of the total Erasmus mobility in Greece in the frame of Student for Studies Mobilities as well as Staff for Teaching Mobilities. In 2012 the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki was awarded the Diploma Supplement Label from the European Commission. The Diploma Supplement was designed by UNESCO and the Council of Europe and was adopted by the European Parliament in 2004 (Decision No 2241/2004/EC on a single Community framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences).
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – CSIC
National Public body
CSIC, a public body, is the largest research organization of Spain. About 120 institutes across all science and humanities disciplines belongs to the institution. It employs > 12000 people and has a budget > 1 billion €.
CEBAS is an institute located in SE Spain, a semiarid region of Europe especially at risk by the effects of Global Change. Water management is already a contentious issue with a grim future perspective. The expansion of intensive irrigated agriculture supplying European markets with fruit and vegetables produced huge soil and landscape degradation problems.
The research focus of the institute is range of topics related to agriculture and environment in areas with hydric deficit. Research groups work on food technology, plant breeding, plant pathology, plant nutrition, irrigation, organic waste management, sustainable agriculture, ecological restoration and soil and water conservation. About 250 people work in the institute, more than 60 being researchers.
The scientific output of CEBAS is important and, as today, >4000 scientific papers are traced to its affiliation with last years production ≈ 200 papers per year. However, CEBAS is not an institute isolated from its social and economic environment but its activity is beyond pure scientific research. Most of the research groups work in concerted action with final users, firms, farmers organizations, adminsitration, etc. In this link it can be found some of these collaborations generated in recent times http://agrotransfer.csic.es/category/colaboraciones-con-empresas/
Molise verso il 2000 scrl
Non-governmental organisation/association
The local action group Molise verso il 2000 (GAL MOLISE) is a local development agency that works to support and promote sustainable rural, economical and social development, social inclusion and business and employment promotion in the Molise region in line with the objectives of the EU and of the national, regional and local government development plans.
We are a consortium of 59 municipalities and more then 100 professional associations, NGOs and civil society organizations from Molise region in Italy.
Our mission is the sustainable rural development of the 59 municipalities of central area of Molise Region.
Non-governmental organisation/association
MAYLOG is an education & training consultancy firm providing services especially to the persons aspiring to find a chance for higher studies and/or to make job experiences in industrial sectors. From choosing the right course to filling the visa application.
Maylog is a small to medium sized private liability company with 27 staff based in Büyükçekmece – İSTANBUL
We support other NGO’s, youth organizations and non-formal groups by arranging and conducting trainings, providing free of charges experts’ advices and giving access to the conference rooms as well as technical equipment owned. We also run a portal and have a library with non-governmental publications for other NGO’s. We cooperate with other NGOs (local and international), local authorities, volunteers and business partners. We ensure all the applications are processed professionally.
We work with the District of Educational Directorate of ESENYURT which has more than 164000 students and 47 VET institutions.
The aim of the organization is to provide competent, experienced and professional services which will help in fulfilling the training goals in public and private sector. There is a team of expert consultants and trainers. Through their efforts, the company enjoys more than 90% success ratios in providing labor for potential partners.
Our aim is to stimulate comprehensive development of children, youth, youth workers and VET learners, as well. The main goals of the Association are: -propagation of non formal education, – promotion of European awareness, active citizenship and intercultural dialogue, with particular emphasis on youth mobility, youth participation and equal opportunities, – employment promotion, – encouraging voluntary activities of different type; – developing initiatives in the field of youth, cultural, social, sport and artistic initiatives; – exchange information and experiences with other organizations that operate in the same field of activities; – implementation and participation in regional, national and international projects in the field of youth and education; – organizing vocational, practical and cultural guidance for youngsters who are planning an experience abroad – organizing training activities in order to diffuse the knowledge about European opportunities amongst youngsters, local organizations, schools and enterprises.
We’re extremely proud to have some incredibly talented VET and Adult education advisors in our team. As a national firm with a vast presence in the multicultural and metropolitan İstanbul area, we can guarantee that expert and professional education and training advice is accessible, wherever in the capital you happen to be based.
Whatever the nature or scale of the immigration-based services are, we are perfectly positioned to assist as each of our staff has a significant amount of knowledge in their respective fields. We have immigration specialists in each and every remit of immigration and asylum law, including straightforward visa applications, through to complex immigration cases and even up to appeals and Judicial Review. With over 14 years’ experience in the fields of education consultancy, career counselling, professional mentoring, personal and professional development, university and work placements and other such services for young and adults, MAYLOG plays a pivotal role in setting direction for who are unsure after finishing high school about how and where to start in a professional, career building direction.